I`m a super rich playa who lives in a Dreamliner and travel around the world blowing cash. I use as much energy as one American city. I thought is was about time one rich f@#k like me started a playa blog so you can get something to complain about. This is how life can be if you brake all the rules. Remember, the law is not there to protect anyone, it`s there to separate us.

I`m buying the entire country when it goes under

-People say I`m arrogant predicting the fall of China. That I`m blind who can`t see that China has been around since before Jesus. Tell you what. I like listening to fairytales too, but this shit is collapsing and when it does, I`m gonna exploiting it. Is it so f@*king hard to see that I actually want this thing to go under?

Photo Sprengben

I`m building a subway from my bedroom to the kitchen cause I`m tired of driving the golf cart around the cabin late at night.

I spoke to Siemens and the fastest subway they got is a joke. If it wasn`t for the runway would pass my kitchen I would have built airports. God dammit, I don`t have time to wait for public transport.

Foto ivva

I need more space. Give me the president on the line. I want to buy the moon.

Tell him to put it on my tax. Call NASA and arrange transport. Tell them I want a window seat with leg room and no in-space movies. I want samba dancers!

Photo lrargerich

I never cared about golf until Tiger got caught, then I thought, this is the sport for me

When you can screw around as long as he did without having your wife leaving you, then marriage might be something for me after all. Can you imagine coming home to a knockout like her after cheating? I just have to remember the prenup cause I don`t want to cheat on to the same bombshell for the rest of my life. 6-7 divorces should be acceptable without hurting my business... it`s probably probably expected... I`m 20 something and not divorced once. I got to get married now!

Foto Keith Allison

I sleept for 3 weeks

So I sent one of my assistants out to take some pictures for my blog. Ignore I`m sleeping and pretend it`s me. Who cares. I`ve seen it a hundred times on tv anyway.

I need to hire a writer to put some blah blah here. I don`t know what to write. Rich and poor side by side... That`s how my life is wherever I go. Everybody is poorer than me so. Probably why I like India. Feels like home.

Gotta bring my personal assistant here.

Yuk. Thank god I lack sympathy. Otherwise I would have to help these people.

My alarm clock. My plane is leaving in 30 min. It`s about time to get up.

Photo Christian Haugen / Deivis / idreamofdaylight /  Nir Nussbaum / mckaysavage

I want more sexual harassment in my workplace

This is how I`m going to achieve it. Every woman over 40, wait 45, loose their jobs and every guy hotter than me gets killed. Those remaining will be separated in two groups. Outside office and inside. The men goes outside, off course. And the lucky left will get the opportunity to earn great bonuses on the strength of their performances. Who said hard work didn`t pay off:)

Photo xamad

Berlusconi, my idol

He`s 74 and banging women like a hot dog. Not even the court system can bring this guy to justice. That`s how I want to be when I retire.

Photo Alessio85